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Monday, January 28, 2013

Busy Monday

Good afternoon all! I pray that each of you have had a blessed day!

For us the day has been a busy one. Barn chores to do first thing. Then inside to eat homemade buttermilk pancakes and maple syrup. Then off to work my oldest son goes and drops the girls off at their job at a barn. Once they texted Liz and myself went and picked them up and off to post office to send a letter. Back home to finish the days work. The house is in order floors cleaned, bathroom taken care of, windows on inside clean, and all laundry done and hanging!!!

On the menu tonight is bean burgers served on homemade sour dough bread, Mac and cheese. I made a pound cake with peppermint icing for dessert.

Hanging In the kitchen is a nice pound of yogurt cheese!! I love to see these simple things just laying around my house.

For my family we are trying to lower if not wipe out the use of convince foods. We have tried to make a return to more natural real food. I have to say I love the fact that my grocery list is getting smaller and smaller. Basic items is all we need. I also love looking into my kitchen and seeing jars of cookies, crackers and things like this for the kids to snack on. Then when I open the frig I don't see packages of Kraft no there is containers of homemade cheese from our goats!!! We know what we are eating!!! Makes a mom feel good!!!

Well enough of that I had better go for now. Have a blessed afternoon all!!!

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